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Fiber Facts

Dietary fiber, the indigestible part of plant foods that is commonly found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, is important for our health and wellbeing. Fiber is a carbohydrate but depending on the type of fiber it is, our bodies may or may not be able to break it down into glucose. Fiber can […]

Don’t Be Tricked into Bingeing on these Treats!

Halloween can be a tricky time for those trying to lose weight. The stores are overflowing with candy, Halloween parties call for sweet treats, and workplaces often promise fall flavored goodies in the break room. For anyone trying to focus on weight loss and a healthy diet, all these distractions can be devilishly tempting! As […]

Am I drinking enough water?

Water is essential for all living things. The humans, plants, and animals living in, on, or above the Earth rely on water for a variety of crucial functions. Humans rely on water as a vital nutrient to each and every one of our cells. It can help to regulate body temperature, transport metabolized energy sources, […]

4 Ways to make healthy choices at work!

Most Americans spend an average of 40-47 hours each week working (Gallup). Whether you’re working at home or in the office, it’s important to develop healthy habits for the place where you spend the majority of your time each day. Keep reading below for tips from 30/10 on ways that you can incorporate some healthy […]

When you eat healthier, so does your family!

When you start at 30/10 Weight Loss for Life, you are putting your personal health first and embracing the importance of a healthy lifestyle! Some common feedback we receive from 30/10 clients is that from the moment they started with us, they noticed that their family began to live a healthier lifestyle alongside them! We […]

Top 5 Places for Dining Out on Your 30/10 Program

Did you know that while on program you can enjoy a meal out without disrupting your progress? These 5 places serve delicious and healthy options to support you on your weight loss journey so you can take a break from the kitchen or have a meal out with friends! Chipotle  Now that Chipotle has Cauliflower […]

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