Caffeine: How much is too much?

Some would say that the best part of waking up is having some coffee in a cup, but is your morning pick-me-up good for your health? March is Caffeine Awareness Month and we are here to share all you need to know when it comes to the health benefits and risks of too much caffeine! […]
Why Vitamins are Vital: Vitamin C

Vitamins are an essential part of our diet, as they are crucial for our health and wellbeing. We make vitamins after we consume food or supplements, and they provide many health benefits such as preventing health issues due to deficiencies, promoting organ health, and they are involved in every bodily process. In our series Vitamins […]
Phytonutrients: What are they and do we need them?

Phytonutrients, also known as antioxidants, are the natural chemical compounds that make up plants and can be found in vegetables, fruit, grains, legumes, whole grains, and spices. They are also referred to as phytochemicals and give fruits, vegetables, and plants their smell or color! Some benefits include fighting off oxidative stress (prevents free radicals (toxins) […]
Vitamins and Why They Are Vital: Vitamin B Part II
Vitamins are an essential part of our diet, as they are crucial for our health and wellbeing. We make vitamins after we consume food or supplements, and they provide many health benefits such as preventing health issues due to deficiencies, promoting organ health, and they are involved in every bodily process. In our series Vitamins […]
Anatomy Series: Fat Cells

As a weight loss company, we are experts on fat loss! But we wanted to take this opportunity to dive into the actual anatomy behind fat cells. As a kickoff for our Anatomy Series, here are some ‘fat’scinating facts about fat cells! How many fat cells do we have? Did you know our bodies are […]
What is Your Prep Style? Discover Different Ways to Meal Prep!

Meal prepping is a great way to set yourself up for success for the week, especially if you have a busy schedule on the weekdays, don’t like to cook after a long day of work, or if you normally make a separate meal for yourself and your family. Did you know that there are multiple […]
Will Your Weight Loss Last Long-Term?

Likely if you are reading this blog you have at one point in your life been in the market for a weight loss product. There has been a bombardment of weight loss fads in the past couple of decades and each one claims to be more effective and boasts more long-term benefits than the last […]
How Does Weight Affect Your Heart Health?

The Association Between Your Weight and Your Heart Happy National Heart Health Month! Here at 30/10 we love healthy hearts and want to help support your heart health as much as we can through the power of healthy eating, exercise, and weight management. Part of having a healthy heart is being at a healthy weight. […]
Vitamins and Why They Are Vital: Vitamin B Part I

Vitamins are an essential part of our diet, as they are crucial for our health and wellbeing. We make vitamins after we consume food or supplements, and they provide many health benefits such as preventing health issues due to deficiencies, promoting organ health, and they are involved in every bodily process. In our series Vitamins […]
6 Ways to Stay Motivated this February

Finding motivation can be challenging, but some would say that staying motivated is the challenge itself. Whether you are just getting started on a goal or you need to find your motivation again, practice these exercises to reignite your motivation so you can accomplish your goals! Remember your WHY Think about this: Why did you […]