Be sure to read Part I of Food: Friend or Foe? to learn more about food and mindset!
Eating Meals
Breakfast, lunch and dinner usually have a set time-frame, but sometimes it is better to listen to when your body is hungry. It is okay to eat a later lunch and smaller dinner because you weren’t hungry at your normal lunch time. If you have a certain time that you are supposed to eat lunch due to work, then pack your lunch so that way you don’t need to go anywhere and only eat when you are hungry and until you are full when it is time to eat. Mentally having a fullness scale (1-2 being famished and 9-10 being painfully full) in mind can help gage exactly when to stop eating and you can always save the remaining food for a snack in a few hours or add to your next meal.
During your meals, make sure to eat a satisfying amount of healthy food that includes plenty of variety. Through having a positive mindset with food, you can select nutrient-dense options such as vegetables and protein that will keep you full and nourished compared to calorie dense foods that tend to be processed and full of sugar.
If you tend to get tired of a meal or constantly undereat, then pack smaller meals that have a different variety of food and flavor to ensure you eat enough throughout the day. Including variety in your meals can keep you from feeling deprived and can also help limit cravings if you focus on a different flavor for each meal/snack (salty, sweet, savory, and umami are all different flavor profiles you can include!)
Another way to utilize flavor is by recognizing the foods you normally crave and applying that flavor to your meals. If you constantly crave potato chips, try making zucchini chips, crispy brussel sprouts, or cauliflower popcorn to your meal that would occur before your normal craving to satisfy it ahead of time while nourishing your body!

How to Prevent a Set Back
If you feel like you are about to indulge in a craving, take time to analyze the experience and create a doable plan to prevent it in the future. A tip we give to 30/10 Clients is that if they do have a craving, consuming one of their 30/10 items such as a Hot Chocolate or Chicken Bouillon and wait 20 minutes to let the craving pass. You can also distract yourself through an activity such as talking with a friend, going for a walk, or reading a book! If you are in a social setting, eat prior to the event or bring food items that you and others can enjoy to prevent temptation. Another example to help with cravings would be if you were to eat an entire tub of ice cream after a stressful day at work, journal about how you felt after this experience and before you want to indulge again, read your journal entry from the last time this occurred.
As you journal, include your thoughts on how you felt during and after, why you think you had the craving, and how you want to handle it next time! This can help you stay on track because you took the time to recognize your feelings and then in the future, distract yourself in a positive way by journaling instead of following through with the craving. Journaling through the moment can help you mentally check in with yourself and is a great positive behavior change to recognize. Practicing gratitude towards your positive change instead of letting fear take over and indulging in cravings is a step in the right direction and can develop a positive relationship with food.
Reward yourself!
Once you are able to practice positive behavior changes towards food, create a list of rewards that you can give yourself other than food. When you hit a milestone for yourself, choose one of these rewards in celebration of developing a positive change that promotes your own success. Personal rewards can be things such as buying a book you have been wanting, getting a massage or pedicure, buying something to treat yourself such as a new clothing item, or even going swimming in your pool! You can even have a list of big rewards for when your ultimate goal is achieved, such as going on vacation! It is important to recognize your milestones and to reward yourself in a way besides food that can motivate you to continue your journey towards a healthy mindset with food, because you deserve it!
30/10 Weight Loss for Life is a comprehensive weight loss program that can help you achieve weight loss success while providing many tools to help you transition to a healthy lifestyle! Get started with 30/10 Weight Loss for Life by visiting any 30/10 location or call us at (855)-937-3010!
*If you struggle with an eating disorder or food addiction, please speak to a qualified individual, such as a counselor or therapist, who can help you.*