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How many vegetables do you eat? – Take this quiz to find out!

It’s National Eat Your Vegetables Day, and National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Month! Vegetables provide many benefits and it is important to include them in your everyday diet. The benefits of eating vegetables include: Provides a great source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants Great source of fiber, which helps your digestive system run smoothly  Low […]

Got travel plans this summer?

Do you have a trip coming up and are unsure of how you can stick to your weight loss plan? Whether your trip requires some drive time or a plane ride, read the following tips on some travel-friendly ideas that will make it easy to stay on track with your 30/10 program while you are […]

4 Ways to make healthy choices at work!

Most Americans spend an average of 40-47 hours each week working (Gallup). Whether you’re working at home or in the office, it’s important to develop healthy habits for the place where you spend the majority of your time each day. Keep reading below for tips from 30/10 on ways that you can incorporate some healthy […]

Reward Yourself!

With May being National Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to share our favorite tips on how to reward yourself and practice positive self-care. Use these tips below to reward yourself in healthy and positive ways!  Spend time with your family and friends  Spending time with loved ones can be rewarding in itself, plus you […]

Seasonal Eating – What is it and Why Should I Care?

Despite the fact that many of us can walk into the grocery store, at any time of the year, and purchase the produce of our choice, it can be argued that eating seasonally is a more beneficial way to consume your vegetables. Whether you are an experienced seasonal eater or this is a brand new […]

When you eat healthier, so does your family!

When you start at 30/10 Weight Loss for Life, you are putting your personal health first and embracing the importance of a healthy lifestyle! Some common feedback we receive from 30/10 clients is that from the moment they started with us, they noticed that their family began to live a healthier lifestyle alongside them! We […]

Top 5 Places for Dining Out on Your 30/10 Program

Did you know that while on program you can enjoy a meal out without disrupting your progress? These 5 places serve delicious and healthy options to support you on your weight loss journey so you can take a break from the kitchen or have a meal out with friends! Chipotle  Now that Chipotle has Cauliflower […]

Losing Weight While Type II Diabetic; Is it Possible? 30/10 Makes it Happen!

If you are Type II Diabetic, it can often feel like it’s impossible to lose weight and reverse your diagnosis…but that is not the case! 30/10 has helped hundreds of Type II Diabetic clients reduce, or in some cases, completely eliminate (with physician’s approval) the need for diabetic medications!  Your 30/10 Type II Diabetic Protocol […]

Food: Friend or Foe? How to Develop a Positive Relationship with Food-Part I

Part I Having a healthy mindset with food is just as important as living a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy food! Your relationship with food should be positive and supportive of the lifestyle that you want, rather than thinking food is your enemy which does not promote your success. Food choices and portion sizes can […]

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