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Your New Nickname: Goal-Setter

As we begin to enter a new month, that means it is the perfect time to make goals! Setting a goal allows you to focus on something important that matters to you, and having a goal to work towards increases your self esteem and self efficacy. It can also decrease procrastination and increase productivity, motivation, […]

Navigate Your Way to Success: How to Grocery Shop

There is a common task that we all share; grocery shopping. Not only is it a task that is time consuming for some, it is what makes or breaks our diet! It is important to know how to navigate a grocery store, and we are here to share all of our tips and tricks for […]

Don’t Let Stress Weigh You Down-How Stress is Related to Weight

Stress can be caused by any number of things in our daily life: work, family, friends, money, health, hectic schedule, major life changes, and more. When it comes to situations such as these, they can either cause stress for a short period of time (acute stress), or for long periods (chronic stress). While acute stress […]

Don’t Be Tricked into Bingeing on these Treats!

Halloween can be a tricky time for those trying to lose weight. The stores are overflowing with candy, Halloween parties call for sweet treats, and workplaces often promise fall flavored goodies in the break room. For anyone trying to focus on weight loss and a healthy diet, all these distractions can be devilishly tempting! As […]

Transform Your Mornings from Good to Great!

It is safe to say that how your mornings go is what can influence the rest of your day: how you feel when you wake up, what you were able to get done, and the way you have your mornings set up all either lead to a productive and happy day or a rushed, stressful […]

This quiz should be a piece of cake!

Do you have a sweet tooth for knowledge? Click the button below to take our quiz! Now that you’ve taken the quiz and have seen some of the foods that surprisingly have added sugars, we wanted to provide more information on the impacts added sugar can have on your health. According to the National Cancer […]

30/10 Audio Inspirations: What they are and how they benefit you!

30/10 Weight Loss for Life is a weight loss program that gives you the tools, resources, and support that focuses on the importance of transitioning to a healthy lifestyle by developing healthy eating habits and practicing positive behavior change. During your program and after (if you are a maintenance client with the 30/10 Lifestyle app), […]

Sun and the Benefits of Sunlight on Your Health

Summer is well underway and oftentimes, we look forward to this time of year in anticipation of the warmer weather, exciting vacations, and/or the influx of outdoor activities. Amidst the memories made at the lake, hiking through the trees, or even picking up produce at the local farmers market, I’d argue that one of the […]

Can I Lose Weight Anywhere?-The Virtual 30/10 Program

Have you seen the success of the 30/10 program, perhaps on a coworker, family member, or friend, and want to get those same results for yourself but can’t come into the office? Location is no longer an issue now that the 30/10 Anywhere program is available to you! Over the last year, we included more […]

Am I drinking enough water?

Water is essential for all living things. The humans, plants, and animals living in, on, or above the Earth rely on water for a variety of crucial functions. Humans rely on water as a vital nutrient to each and every one of our cells. It can help to regulate body temperature, transport metabolized energy sources, […]

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